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November 9, 2016

(714) 556-1600

Ann Steinfeld Physical Therapy improves balance among elderly with strategies that help prevent falls

Leading Orange County Physical Therapy Clinic Encourages Aging Americans To
Increase Regular Exercise During Cold Season

COSTA MESA, CA - November 9, 2016 - Ann Steinfeld Physical Therapy - a leading Orange County, Calif. physical therapy practice specializing in sports medicine, orthopedics, geriatrics and neurology - states that this year one-third of all Americans age 65 and older will experience a fall - at a rate of one every 13 seconds - and every 20 minutes an older adult will die from a fall-related trauma. In fact, falls rank among the top burdens on our healthcare system, with $34 billion shelled out for fall-related injuries in 2013 alone. With the odds stacked against the elderly, evidence shows prevention is the best measure and achieved through physical therapy and regular exercise.

"As seasons change and temperatures begin to drop, there is a direct correlation with increasing falls among the elderly and their lack of mobility," says Ann Steinfeld, the clinic's founder and CEO. "Even in places like Southern California, where snow and ice are a rarity, cooler days and nights are likely to keep older men and women indoors, which decreases their chances for getting the exercise they need to maintain steadiness and strong muscles, and prevent broken bones. Of course, some who fall can quickly brush off the dirt and go about their day, but others won't be so lucky. And one fall can change everything."

The physical therapy profession has long been involved in fall-prevention efforts, guiding seniors to ambulate safely and helping them maintain mobility and independence longer, as it is widely known that moderate to severe injuries incurred during a fall can lead to further health declines and institutionalization. A team approach with a solid foundation of communication is crucial to adequately prepare for the steady stream of baby boomers crossing the 65-year-old threshold. As part of a medical team, physical therapists (PT) are trained to identify each patient's needs, provide education and preventive strategies, and address the biggest risk factors, which include balance/strength issues, medication interactions, safety concerns in the home and community, and visual impairments.

A new 2016 study published in The Journal of the American Geriatrics Society titled "Exercise and Fall Prevention: Narrowing the Research-to-Practice Gap and Enhancing Integration of Clinical and Community Practice," reinforces the premise that falls are preventable with risk assessmentand exercises that incorporate elements of balance, gait and strength training. The study states that exercise has been shown to reduce the incidence of falls by up to 40%, which could be music to the ears of the 1900 U.S. adults who participated in the study.

"A thorough PT exercise program to prevent falls among the elderly includes core strengthening, lower extremity resistance exercises and balance training," Steinfeld adds. "At Ann Steinfeld Physical Therapy we are always seeking the most up-to-date approaches and integrating research on exercise intervention into all of our clinical practices, which ultimately reduce health care costs and improve the quality of life for everyone."

For media-related questions, contact Edan Devora, or call (714) 556-1600.

For more information regarding Ann Steinfeld Physical Therapy, visit:

Ann Steinfeld Physical Therapy is a privately owned outpatient practice in Orange County, Calif. specializing in the evaluation and treatment of physical injuries and disabilities resulting from a wide range of conditions related to sports and athletics, surgical procedures, occupation, repetitive motion and accidents, as well as those specific to age and gender. Ann Steinfeld's highly skilled and trained, licensed physical therapists utilize a broad spectrum of the most advanced physical intervention and rehabilitation techniques to alleviate pain, restore mobility, improve balance and coordination, and increase muscular strength and endurance. Referred to by leading physicians throughout Los Angeles and Orange County, Ann Steinfeld provides a comprehensive team approach to ensure successful patient outcomes, while maintaining the highest quality of exceptional one-to-one care in an energetic, positive and ethical environment. For more information visit: