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September 6, 2016

(714) 556-1600


Leading Orange County Physical Therapy Clinic Plays Key Role in
Identifying and Treating Concussion Symptoms

COSTA MESA, CA - September 6, 2016 - Ann Steinfeld Physical Therapy - a leading Orange County, Calif. physical therapy practice specializing in sports medicine, orthopedics and neurology - today stated that physical therapists are often among the first to recognize signs of post-concussion trauma, which has become a growing health concern in the sports arena. Although concussions can occur with any activity at any age, they are occurring with greater frequency in colleges and high school sports, particularly boys' football and ice hockey and girls' soccer and lacrosse.

"In my 30 years as a physical therapist, I continue to see more and more young athletes suffer trauma to the head while engaging in sports," says Ann Steinfeld, CEO and founder of Orange County-based Ann Steinfeld Physical Therapy. "MRIs and CT scans do not detect brain abnormality when a person suffers a blow to the head, but well-trained physical therapists can often spot the critical warning signs of post-concussion trauma, which can lead to serious neurological problems later in life."

In addition to a physical therapist's routine strategy of performing strength, coordination, balance, sight, smell, hearing, and memory tests to pinpoint a problem and establish a specific treatment plan, most ask patients a series of questions that can lead to identifying post-concussion symptoms that an x-ray cannot pick up. This is crucial in determining a safe return to school and athletics, as well as work or other activities.

Research suggests that suffering multiple concussions can have a compounding effect. A study appearing in the American Journal of Sports Medicine titled "Concussion symptoms and neurocognitive performance of high school and college athletes who incur multiple concussions" drew a connection between multiple concussions and prolonged symptoms, recovery time, and risk for future concussions. According to the American College of Sports Medicine, concussion rates have increased at all levels of sports participation during the last few years. The rise is due in part to increased disclosure by student athletes as well as Improved diagnostic strategies and movies such as the critically acclaimed film Concussion, where Will Smith portrays a Nigerian forensic pathologist who fights the National Football League's efforts to bury research on the brain damage suffered by its players.

"These are the kinds of deliberate efforts we need in order to bring to light this troubling predicament," Steinfeld adds. "Every mother and father of an athlete needs to know what is at stake. In fact, just last month Pop Warner, the  largest youth football league in the U.S., had a class-action lawsuit filed against it for allegedly knowing it put players in danger by ignoring the risks of head trauma. The suit is a good start but we have a long way to go."

Experts suggest that parents should initiate open dialogue with their children to build awareness of the signs and symptoms of concussion. Young athletes, in particular, need to understand the long-term consequences of a concussion so they learn to speak up when exhibiting signs of an injury.

"No one wants to see our children opt out of sports completely," says Steinfeld. "We just want to make sure every measure it taken to ensure their safety. As a physical therapist, I consider it my responsibility to notice these abnormalities. It's one way I can help save someone from a life of pain and misery."

For media-related questions, contact Edan Devora, or call 714.556.1600.

For more information regarding Ann Steinfeld Physical Therapy, visit:

Ann Steinfeld Physical Therapy is a privately owned outpatient practice in Orange County, Calif. specializing in the evaluation and treatment of physical injuries and disabilities resulting from a wide range of conditions related to sports and athletics, surgical procedures, occupation, repetitive motion and accidents, as well as those specific to age and gender. Ann Steinfeld's highly skilled and trained, licensed physical therapists utilize a broad spectrum of the most advanced physical intervention and rehabilitation techniques to alleviate pain, restore mobility, improve balance and coordination, and increase muscular strength and endurance. Referred to by leading physicians throughout Los Angeles and Orange County, Ann Steinfeld provides a comprehensive team approach to ensure successful patient outcomes, while maintaining the highest quality of exceptional one-to-one care in an energetic, positive and ethical environment. For more information visit: